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HomeSocial Media10 Basic Newbie Must Have WordPress PlugIns

10 Basic Newbie Must Have WordPress PlugIns

10 Basic Newbie Must Have WordPress Plug-Ins

There are many websites out there and blogs that point out the “Top” or “Most Wanted” Plugins out there for WordPress users but the problem is most of the Top Lists out there only showcase Advanced Plugins for the WordPress users.

Most WordPress users run into the problem of what plugins to start out with and haven’t event started blogging yet to fully take advantage of the more complicated plugins.

Simple is better and below are the layman basic package for WordPress users Must Have Plugin Package.

The 10 List

1. Akismet – This is probably your most important plugin to use and most WordPress versions already have this plugin installed when you first download WordPress. This is your basic spam fighter preventing spammers leaving spam comments selling you something.

2. Broken Link Checker – Checking broken links can be a tedious chore and this plugin makes this task simple by checking images and links if they are broken will be notified on your dashboard.

3. All in One Seo Pack – The grandaddy of popular plugins to use. The reason why this plugin is so popular because its so simple to use in helping you with your SEO by making it easy to change titles, prevent duplicate content and other optimization options. A must have.

4. Contact Form – A simple and must have plugin. This your everyday “Contact Form” that is used to notify the blogmaster or webmaster of users wishing to contact them. This is a popular plugin because of the ease of use and privacy if the Author does not wish to disclose their real e-mail address.

5. RSS Footer – This plugin allows you to add a line of content to the end of your RSS feed articles. This is very useful to prevent sploggers of not linking back to the original article.

6. Google XML Sitemap – This plugin generates XML enabled sitemaps to help with indexing by search engines like Google, MSN, Yahoo and more.

7. Popular Posts – Displays a highly configurable list of the most popular posts. I chose this plugin rather than the heavily popular plugin Popularity Contest due to the non support issues. This plugin actually works so I highly recommend this plugin instead.

8. Post-Plugin Library – Does nothing by itself but supplies common code for the Similar Posts, Recent Posts, Random Posts, and Recent Comments plugins. Make sure you have the latest version of this plugin.

9. Related /Similar Posts – A cool plugin that returns a list of the related entries based on a unique algorithm using titles, post bodies, tags, and categories.

10. WordPress Automatic Upgrade – With self-hosted WordPress blogs, sometimes you are required to upgrade your WordPress to a most recent version. If you are fairly new to Web Hosting and Blog Hosting I highly suggest this one-click-plugin to simplify the process of upgrading your WordPress blog.

These plugins should get you up and running with your fresh new blog and later you can explore more of the advanced plugins out there.


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