Google said Friday the vernal equinox – the first day of astronomical spring – through the particular logo, with animation that represents several kinds of flowers, among which tulips, carnations and daffodils.
GOOGLE celebrates the spring equinox through a special logo
The animation is done by Google and includes a bee, the image can be shared on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+, but also on e-mail.
The spring equinox marks the time each year when day and night are of duration equal, in the middle of the interval between the longest day and the longest night of the year, the spring equinox March 20, appeared 22.45 time GMT (21 March, at 00.45 local time). This year the vernal equinox coincided with two rare events – eclipses of the Sun and super-a Month.
According to the Astronomical Observatory “Admiral Vasily Urseanu”, the vernal equinox, which marks the beginning of astronomical spring, occurs around the date of March 20, when the astronomical longitude it returns to zero degrees.
The apparent movement of the Sun on the celestial sphere is determined by the actual movement Pâmântului in its orbit, creates for our latitudes inequality in the duration of days and nights at different epochs of the year, because of the position about a spatially fixed axis of Earth’s rotation and tilt it to the plane of its orbit. Thus, on the celestial sphere, the Sun passes during the year, the great circle of the Ecliptic is called (which actually marks the plane of Earth’s orbit), what to do with the celestial equator angle of 23° 27′ .
At the time of the spring equinox, the Sun crosses the celestial equator, passing in the Northern hemisphere. the celestial sphere in the taiga. When the Sun is at this point, is the point of the spring, he describes the movement allowance in the length of the celestial equator, a phenomenon that determines the date equal to the duration of the day from the night, regardless of latitude. At the latitudes of Romania, which can be considered the average value of 45°, the figure is, and the average value of the height of the Sun above the horizon at the moment of noon. At the same time, on the specified day, the Sun rises in the cardinal point of East and sets in the cardinal point of the West, precise Astronomical Observatory.
According to the same sources, since that date, day length increases, and at night drops to 21 June, when will be the summer solstice.
Astronomical Observatory clarifies, however, that this description is only valid for Northern latitudes on Earth. In the southern hemisphere of the Earth, this phenomenon should be interpreted to the contrary, so that in the regions this moment marks the beginning of astronomical autumn. In addition, in the polar regions in the Northern hemisphere begins long polar day, and during the southern hemisphere polar night that they will continue, each, six months.
Second echinocțiu, this moment when the sun crosses the celestial equator, passing in the Northern hemisphere of the celestial North to South, around the date of September 23, which is the spring equinox in the southern hemisphere and the vernal equinox of autumn in the Northern hemisphere. The point of intersection at the time of the Ecliptic with the celestial equator is called the autumnal.
Google is changing often the logo to mark important events in the history of the universal or in honor of prominent personalities.
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