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How Long Does Laser Hair Removal Take?

Laser hair removal in Fort Collins is a popular treatment that can effectively remove unwanted hair from most areas of the body. This treatment can be used by people of all skin tones and hair colors. Let’s go over some of the most frequently asked questions about laser hair removal.

How Long Does Laser Hair Removal Take?

Individual treatments for laser hair removal in Fort Collins usually take 30 to 60 minutes based on how many areas of the body you’re treating, the density of your hair, and the thickness of your hair growth. Most people will need at least six to eight appointments to achieve optimal results.

It’s important to remember to attend all of your appointments consecutively. Even missing one appointment or delaying an appointment for more than a week can slow down the progress of your results, or even put you back to square one.

How Does Laser Hair Removal in Fort Collins Work?

Laser hair removal works by using an advanced laser device, which targets the pigment of your hair and zaps individual hair shafts. When hair shafts are exposed to the light energy from a laser, the energy transforms into heat as it travels down the hair shaft and shocks the hair follicle.

During your treatment, your intended treatment areas will be cleaned and prepared with a topical numbing gel, particularly to areas of the skin that are sensitive. Sometimes, the laser energy can vaporize hair on contact, while other times, hair left over after the treatment will naturally fall off after a few days.

What Should You Do to Prepare?

To prepare for your treatment, you will need to shave your intended treatment area at least 24 to 48 hours before your appointment. For optimal results, it’s important that you have minimal hair growth, since very long body hair can reduce the thermal energy that is used to shock hair follicles. You should not shave on the day of your appointment to minimize skin irritation.

Furthermore, you cannot use this treatment on areas of the body where the hair is dyed or has been removed with creams, waxing, or tweezing. You will also need to reschedule your appointment if you have eczema, psoriasis, or a sunburn on the day of your appointment.

Is There Any Downtime?

After your treatment, you will be free to return to most of your normal daily activities. However, you will need to do your best to avoid unprotected contact with the sun for a couple of weeks. Although there is no formal downtime associated with this treatment, you must avoid the sun to prevent hyperpigmentation.

Several days after your treatment, you can exfoliate your skin to remove dead skin cells and stray hair. It’s important to keep your skin moisturized after your treatment with alcohol-free and fragrance-free lotions, such as Aveeno, CeraVe, and Aquaphor.

How Quickly Will You See Results?

Usually, you can see the results of this treatment in four to six weeks, or longer if you have particularly dense or thick hair. Usually, early results will be detectable because you will notice that hair growth is much slower.

How Long Will Results Last?

Usually, the results of your initial round of treatments will last for several months or years. If you keep up with maintenance appointments, which are usually scheduled once every six to 12 months, you will be able to permanently reduce hair growth. Any hair growth after this treatment will usually be sparser, lighter in color, and less noticeable.

What Are Some Benefits of Laser Hair Removal?

There are several considerable benefits to using laser hair removal. For example, this treatment reduces skin irritation, so if you have sensitive skin that is prone to razor burns or razor bumps, this can be a good alternative treatment for you. Other there benefits include:

Clearer and Smoother Skin

Laser energy tends to make your skin more evenly toned and evenly textured. As a byproduct of this laser treatment, your skin will turn over new skin cells and produce collagen, which can smooth the appearance of loose skin, cellulite, and uneven pigmentation.

Ingrown Hair Reduction

This treatment can also reduce ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs occur when hair grows from the follicle crookedly, which then causes skin irritation. Because this treatment shocks the follicle and allows hair to grow straight, you can reduce or eliminate ingrown hairs in the future.

Who Are Ideal Candidates?

People who are good candidates for this treatment include those who are not pregnant, those who do not have a history of hyperpigmentation, and those who do not have active skin conditions. A consultation will be necessary to decide if this treatment is appropriate for all of your beauty goals.

Laser hair removal is an advanced treatment that can remove or reduce hair on virtually every area of the face and body. Men and women use this treatment to stunt hair growth. You can usually see the results of this treatment in a few weeks or months.


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