Whenever we start a new blog, first thing that we should consider is the domain name. This is very first but most crucial aspect for starting a blog or a new website. Although there are many domain name suggestion tools available on the web, which helps you to select the best and appropriate domain name for your business.
In my opinion if you are providing any service or sale any product or have a micro-niche blog, then it’s always better to select keywords based domains i.e. the domains which contain your targeted keywords. But if you want to start your own brand and want to create your own identity then go for your own brand name like.So friends here we have few top domain name suggestion tools for you.
Godaddy is one of the finest and well known domain name suggestion tools available in market. Here you can not only find the right domain name for you but also purchase online. Godaddy display results on the bases of your keyword along with Price.
This is another one of the finest domain name search tool. With the help of this tool you can not only search your domain name but also can decide the position of the keyword in your domain name.
This is also very useful domain search tool on the web. The best part of this tool is that it helps you find the domain name also from other domain search tools like Godaddy and SEO along with the respective domain prices.
So friends this was all about the best domain search tools. Although there are many others tools available in the market which we didn’t disclose over here. May be some other day we will talk about them. But I am hoping that these tools will help you to find your domain name.
Also give your feedback regarding these tools. Your appreciation encourages us to do better next time.