Dotnet works ltd, a Pembroke shire grounded internet development company has developed a website and a range of multimedia tools for The National Library of Wales. The work carried out by dotnet works captures the spirit and determination of Wales and the Welsh during the Second World War and brings the photography of Geoff Charles to life. Geoff Charles was a review shooter who devoted 50 times of his life to portraying Wales through the lens of his camera. With images now available on the internet, this dramatic library of prints can be explored.
The National Library of Wales( NLW) has entered backing from the Big Lottery Fund, as part of the ‘ Their once Your Future ’ action. The two time, UK-wide design aims to inspire people of all periods to truly discover the Second World War, how it shaped and altered the world’s course, and why it’s applicable in moment’s world and in the future.
Geoff Charles( 1909 – 2002) was a review shooter who devoted 50 times of his life to landing Wales and the Welsh way of life on film. His donation to Wales is unique, and moment his library of photos is one of the treasures of The National Library of Wales.
dotnet works ltd has developed a website to publish of the images taken by Geoff Charles in Wales and the English border region during the Second World War. The images named for the new website demonstrate the spirit and determination of Wales and the Welsh. The website provides a endless memorial of the war trouble on the home front and captures a dissolved way of life. Callers to the website can search for specific themes and have an occasion to partake recollections, stories and gests . Working with dotnet workshop has assured that important issues similar as commemoration, conflict and citizenship can be more understood and a link to the Welsh history, not forgotten.
The dotnet works platoon also created interactive conditioning grounded on the photos that are both educational and delightful and show the full impact of the war on Wales. Using web and flash technology, everyday scenes are converted into engagingmini-dramas, so that all age groups can see the real strength and resoluteness of ordinary people during the war.
Sian Davies, Project Officer for the Geoff Charles website reflected; “ dotnet works ltd were easy to work with, flexible and dependable, and always responded instantly to our requests. Together, we’ve produced a website we’re extremely proud of, one that will be an inestimable resource for authors, chroniclers, scholars and the people of Wales and beyond. Our website provides a worldwide followership with easy access to images that capture the spirit and determination of Wales and the Welsh during the Second World War. ”
“ dotnet workshop is pleased to work with The National Library on this important literal design to widen access to these precious records and images, ” said Chris Allman, elderly programmer at detent works ltd. “ This is just the kind of design we really delight . We can bring our specialized and design chops to bear on an educationally and culturally instigative design that has a clear benefit for our customer and the community ”.