Wednesday, February 19, 2025
HomeDigital MarketingWays to Develop Give yourself the gift of a great USP

Ways to Develop Give yourself the gift of a great USP

That means decorations, parties, and Christmas presents. It’s a time when packages arrive on porches announced by the ringing of the doorbell. It’s a time when the postal service, Fed Ex, and UPS are very busy.

Saturday I got a wonderful package from my sister. I was in the middle of writing when I saw the UPS truck drive up. It was exciting to see what he was bringing. As I opened the door I thought about how UPS has a unique USP. (Yes a play on letters here). UPS this season says, “Delivering holiday spirit worldwide. UPS makes the holiday flurry a little easier.” I don’t know what their official USP is; however, I do know that they communicate a sense of caring through making my life easier. They do this with timely package pick up and delivery, inexpensive copying services, mailbox services, and packing my boxes carefully for shipment.

What is a USP?
USP stands for unique selling proposition. A USP is the foundation of great marketing. It sets you apart from your competition. It tells customers why they should do business with you, instead of anyone else.

Why does a business need a USP?
Every business communicates a USP whether they want to or not. Having a USP can help you make decisions concerning your business. It is a way to also develop your brand. A brand based on the experience you give your customers.

Use these lucky 13 questions to help you find your very own, specific USP:
Why would someone want to do business with me instead of choosing my competitor?
What don’t they like about the competition that I can offer instead?
Why would someone choose my service or product at all? (Why change what they are currently doing? – which is usually nothing.)
Who are my customers?
Who do I want to be my customers?
What are the facts about my business now?
What do I want my business to look like in the future (your vision)?
What are the features of my business?
What are the benefits of these features?
What am I really selling (emotional benefits)?
What metaphor might help clients understand my message quickly?
Do I want to share my personality in my marketing? If so,What essentials features (of my personality) do I want to share? What makes me memorable?
In answering these questions, usapridenetwork,  remember that it’s not what you specifically do, it’s what you specifically communicate.

So, what is your USP? Or, if you don’t have one, what would you like it to be?


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