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HomeLaw7 Factors to Consider Before Hiring a Truck Accident Lawyer

7 Factors to Consider Before Hiring a Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck accidents happen occasionally, and driver negligence is always the culprit. Most truck drivers drive under the influence or when distracted by phones. Cases of a fatal truck crash that lead to incapacitation and death end up in courts. When suing for truck injuries or fatalities, hire a truck accident lawyer. Here are the fundamental qualities of the best truck accident attorney.

1. Comprehensive Trial Experience

Not many truck accident cases settle out of court. In fact, the majority of lawsuits settle after a thorough court trial. Some truck accident attorneys will tout their out-of-court settlement success rates. But draw the line when you talk of court trials. Obtain an accident specialty attorney with a solid trial record. They need to have defended clients and helped them secure higher compensation.

2. The Attorney’s Reputation

Truck accident settlements drain a lawyer’s energy and resources. Some lawyers quit even before the case is over when they feel overwhelmed. For an attorney to have a solid track record, it means they’re credible. Research customer reviews and testimonials to find a trustworthy truck accident attorney.

3. Service Charges 

To find the best-fitting Phoenix semi-truck accident lawyer, check their legal fees. Most truck lawyers use the contingency fee charging system. Therefore, clients don’t have to pay upfront. However, you have to relinquish a percentage of the compensation to the lawyer. Request a written agreement of the lawyer’s fee structure and terms before sealing a contract.

4. Honesty and Truthfulness

You can’t ignore the honesty of a truck accident attorney. Dishonest truck accident attorneys may take advantage of your situation. They may even charge you upfront and after you secure compensation. Research client satisfaction and how likely other clients will recommend the attorney.

5. Client-First Mentality

The best mini-truck accident attorney emphasizes your contentment and satisfaction. They’ll usher you to their offices with high courtesy and professionalism. They will stand by you and hold your hand throughout the litigation process. They value you as the king or queen you’re and will do nothing less than what a king/queen deserves.

6. Free Consultations

Consultations provide a platform for clients to understand their truck accident attorneys better. Through a consultation session, you can ask the right questions to familiarize yourself with the lawyer. Paid consultations are often a discouragement. Like other clients, you’re already burdened with hospital bills and mental stress. You don’t want a situation where you’ll have to pay to see a truck attorney.

7. Area of Specialization

Don’t just hire a personal injury attorney because they have listed trucks and semi-trucks as a service. Dig deeper to know the core specialization of the truck attorney. Make sure you hire an attorney who focuses most of their time and resources on handling truck accident claims. Confirm their track record of handling truck and semi-truck accident cases.

Legal issues related to truck and semi-truck accidents aren’t to be trusted to a legal novice. You want a truck accident attorney with first-hand experience in the industry and years of legal practice.


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