Bounce rate is a word that is specially meant for websites because it tells the performance of the website, poor or good. If Bounce rate is high that means your website need lots of improvement and if its low that means your website is pretty good. To make it more easier Google analytic gives you a facility where one can see that how much is the current bounce rate on his/her website.
What is bounce rate? How one can reduce it? And what factors affect it? These are the general questions but not everyone knows the answer. Now, I am going to crack these questions and tell you the answers by following explanations.
BOUNCE RATE is a percentage of visitors who visited in a website landing page and leave the website in some seconds without exploring the other pages of that website. According to Search engine results, visitors can’t stand in one side more than 8sec, if within 8 sec that website opens that it’s okay otherwise they will switch to other website.
Now, here is some factors which take participate to increase bounce and how one can reduce it and get best results :-
Poor website designing, means ones website design are not attractive, people can’t visit that site. First impression always comes from the website design. Make your website design attractive and different, so a visitor get impressed in one view and gets convinced to explore the whole website.
Navigation is also important part of website. It should be easy and simple. One website page should properly navigate to other relevant page and should be user friendly. In one view visitor gets idea what’s behind it and he/ she will be directly navigated to that page where he/ she wants to go.
Content is that powerful tool, through which any one can defeat their competitor. Content is called as a king and if one should take it seriously he/she will definitely gets success. Always try to post new content, as new content is always welcomed by the visitors. Fresh and new content related to your website definitely helps you to get traffic and reduce bounce rate.
Speed up your page load time is the very important suggestion that I will recommend. It’s not only important for SEO point of view but also important to keep the visitor on your website for longer time. If website takes too much time to load than visitor definitely switch to another website and your competitor will get the benefit. So, don’t make it your weakness and competitors strength. Avoid using large resolution images, reduce their size and also try to use pop-up ads on website.
Don’t increase the Bounce rate, If you want to increase something than try to increase visitors and your business. Work on these factors, reduce the bounce rate and gets the best result for your website.